Chin Augmentation

Here at Broadway Retreat we are proud providers of the most respected name in dermal fillers..Allergan Juvéderm® which we use to add definition, contour and create change to the proportions of your face.

And one of the most popular requests for these proportion changes is chin augmentation to alter the shape of your lower face.

Any patient who seeks an improvement in the size and shape of their chin may be suitable for this non-surgical chin procedure which is painless, safe, with a quick recovery and minimal downtime.

The result is immediate...though due to the immediate swelling from the procedure, the final result may not be seen for about 2-3 weeks.

Dermal fillers naturally biodegrade in the body but your new look will last up to 18 months. A plan for follow-up treatments to maintain your results can be created for you. NB Restricted activities are advised for 48 hours following non-surgical chin reshaping. Normal activities can be resumed thereafter.